This section of the website provides information for residents about common issues when living in a residential community. It also has information for Contractors and Visitors.
A number of residents keep a pet in their apartment. These pets include dogs, cats and birds of various size and breed. Please familiarise yourself with the OC Rules.
Information about deliveries that can be accepted by the Building Manager or Concierge on behalf of a resident.
Guests of Residents
Owners and/or Occupiers are responsible for the behaviour of their guests including any disruption to the enjoyment of the property including noise generation.
Instruction Manuals
A number of standard Lot items such as intercoms, dishwashers, air-conditioners and heaters have online Instruction Manuals.
Moving In or Out
Moving in or out of the building can cause undue disruption to our community members and/or potential damage to the property.
This section has an archive of past Hallmark newsletters with latest updates from the Building Manager.
Security and Safety
The Hallmark property is relatively safe and secure but awareness and following our guidelines minimises the risk of incidents.
Trades/Services Information
Check this page for preferred/suggested trades/services providers.